Hi Everyone.
I hope that everyone has had a great start to the year and managed to find time to get some climbing done, mountain trips made and training started for the year ahead 🙂
Here is an update of a few things going on with the AMC.
Club Survey
Thank you to everyone who completed this. It was a fantastic respoonse and really did give us a great insight into who is in the club and what you all want!
Here is a summary of our main findings…
The top 3 activities you told us you would like to get involved in were- weekend trips, day trips to local crags and climbing wall visits.
Climbing Wall nights-
We are now running roped climbing wall nights on Tuesdays at Redpoint and UCR on Thursdays and for those that like bouldering, Mondays at ‘The Mothership’ and (a bit sporadically atm) Thursdays at Flashpoint. It has been great to see so many people getting involved and enjoying meeting others to climb with too. Thank you to everyone who has stepped up to coordinate one of these evenings
Day Trips to local crags–
In response to wanting more days trips to crags, we are busy scheduling these in on the forum, so keep an eye on that. Sometimes it works to just head out for a day if you have other commitments at the weekend. We are lucky enough to be able to get to good trad and sport for a day from here. Fingers crossed for continuing improving weather!
Weekend Trips-
We have lots of weekend trips already in the calendar and these are on the website, so go and check them out and get the dates in your diaries!
So what is stopping us going on adventures?
Whilst we cannot create more time for you all, we can help with improving skills, answering any questions that you might have on how things work and providing ways we can get to know each other better!
We have a few things in the pipeline including-
Mountain walk in the Brecon Beacons on February 27th. Come along for a sociable day out and get to know other AMC members. Check on the Forum for details soon.
New Members meet at Redpoint on March 3rd at 6.30pm.
This is already on the forum, so go and check it out and come along! Whilst this is aimed at ‘new members’ If you want to brush up on your skills, or just come along for the social side we would be very happy to see you there. We will also be talking about how weekend trips work and what organising them involves
What can you do to get more involved with the AMC?
This was a great response. Thank you to everyone who gave their details to us with offers of help. Throughout the year the AMC need trip organisers, indoor meet coordinators and people who might want to get involved running other social events. Having lots of super psyched people doing stuff is what makes the club exciting, vibrant and fun!! So looking at that slide its going to be a great year….:)
Save the date and come along to the pub on the Second Monday of March (instead of first Monday) A great opportunity to meet more of the club and check out who won the infamous Rudy Piton Award for 2021!!
Thank you to Matt Langley for making the library digital. We now have a full set of current climbing guides to the main UK areas along with scrambling and some walking guides too. The digital format will enable us to not only easily see what kit and books we have in the library, but also exactly what is currently lent out.
The new system will make it a lot easier to borrow guide books, or take out the new static abseil ropes the club has just purchased. If you are thinking of going away for an adventure, please do check out what guides we have for you to borrow and save yourselves some money!
Also all trip organisers don’t forget to take out the relevant guides and use them on your trips!!
Librarian Matt enjoying a great day in the alps
We have an opportunity for a super keen bean to join us on the committee, as a vacancy has arisen! If you think you might like to get involved and want more information about what it might entail, please email me via the website using the chair email address. Or just drop me a message 🙂
The light house on Lundy. Just one of the great locations we organise trips to.
Thanks for reading everyone and hope to see lots of you out and about on a trip/wall/walk soon
Helen (Chair) x