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Sun and Sand at St Buryan. AMC Cornwall Trip 2015

Writer: AkaashAkaash

Again the AMC undertook their annual Easter trip to Cornwall. This year Di arranged fantastic weather as promised for all who ventured down south to enjoy.

With Becky’s awning finally up we headed out Friday to the rock, even after a spot of rain, which failed to dampen our intentions. Myself, Carol and Susie had a good introduction at Porthgwarra Buttress with Porthgwarra Slab and Shawangunk climbed as a three. This was while James and Becky sauntered up the 2 star classic of Helluva Slab, with one damp foot I believe. We weren’t the only ones taking advantage of the nice weather: Rob, Win and Lou had been getting their sea cliff feet at Trewaves Head with two severs in the bag (Joy and Mouse proof).

More of the club arrived Friday afternoon, with some even have had the time to enjoy scrambled eggs and salmon for breakfast! The plan was hatched to head to Chair Ladder for most of us the next day. There were a few splinter parties: Carol and Susie attempted to find Tarter Du, but got beaten back by the bushes, and Lou lead Porthgwarra slab (VD) and Chimney (S 4a). At the Ladder Rich and Alastair bagged Excelsior, Becky and James ticked off Red Wall, Dan and John also enjoyed Rake’s progress with some interesting route finding. I climbed the superb (but sea gull poo stained) Pendulum Chimney with Di, who happily gave me the crux pitch up the chimney, which was fantastic. With a few unintentional damp feet we headed home sun stricken and happy with the pub to look forward to!

Minus foggy heads some of us fancied a non-tidal venue so ventured to the other side of Cornwall to the impressive (but packed) Bosigran. Whilst there myself and Rob climbed my goal of Little Brown Jugs and Namless, albeit busy but still the top pitch of ‘Jugs’ is unrivalled at VS in my humble opinion. Lou impressed with leads of Ored and Black Slab, whilst Dan and John accomplished alternate leads on Nameless, Alison’s Rib and Andrew. Back over the other side Becky and James were at Chair Ladder on Rake’s progress and Rich finally managed to tick off his long awaited lead of Pegasus  and Alastair ticked off an impressive ascent of Bishops rib. Carol and Susie went all out with 8 routes down at Haldrine with Susie getting her leading head back on after a few years off and on sighting a VS. The sun finally came down on what was an epic day for all in the climb, with everyone pushing themselves and their grade. Again the evening ended with some fine Cornish Ale and epic pool battles down the pub.

On the last day we said outer farewells. Rob, Win, Lou, Dan and John went and had a grand day out at Lands Ends Long Climb (8 pitches at VD). Alastair and Rich had grand plans for the day in the glorious sunshine. First at Carn Barra Rich lead both Axis and Exodus. They then ran over the Zawn Kelly so Alastair could lead his project of American Dream getting him in preparation for a good season of sea cliff climbing in Pembroke. Di went for a swim, while I and Becky stayed at Carn Barra for a sunny and relaxing single pitch day. Becky lead the “magnificently positioned” 2 star Peel Crack and I jumped on Axis after Rich, and finished off with Cumbello and Socket Wall. Carol and Susie ventured to Bosigran and had an impressive day ticking off Alison Rib, Black Slab and Ochre Slab Route II.

This was my first trip with the AMC. Everyone who I met was fantastic and very welcoming. Big thanks to Di for organising all the logistics especially the weather! Apologies if I have missed anyone’s ascents off. Feel free to share them at the pub meet.



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